[SRT] Blog Posts

A casual conversation with friends

It's just me...a Searey fanatic like you...

blog - jdm story Aug 30, 2022

Well, Hello There

It's just me, John McLeroy.

Some of you are familiar. If not then you really should know I'm a pilot who (like, really really) loves to fly anything and nearly everything. I think my personal boundaries are bracketed by the gravity vector, known to me as 'plummet mode' that some air sports portend. I need a place to go -an adventure to have- and a glide ratio better than zero to get me there. My passion for all things aviation comes from the curiosity that surrounds the machines and the missions they've been created to solve. In so many ways, I'm very much like you in that I saw an opportunity to have an adventure, needed to figure out how to make that happen, stay alive while having fun doing it and somehow share all the sights, sounds and destinations with my family and friends.

Along the journey I've learned a ton (and continue to learn) about the way to realize my dream of flying Searey's and share it with others. Because I have a Teacher's Heart my...

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-There I was, all experienced, no training and almost wrecked...

First, no...that's not me or my plane in the picture above. I've seen this happen though and it could have been prevented. Here's the story of how you can prevent it too.

17 years ago I had just bought my Searey and I can remember it like it was yesterday. I had known for years this day would come somehow, one way or another. We all have the story of how we go from the original idea of getting one to the day it actually comes true (and for those of you not quite there don't ever give up hope).

Well, it's time to take her for a ride! But wait- I'm getting ahead of myself just a little...

I've known about the Searey planform for quite a while, like 1992 a while. I've also known Kerry and Paige, the Richter family business and the history even before the moment I would actually fly my plane. I had watched from afar the exploits of this bunch of former hang glider/ultralight turned amphibian scene from the pages of magazines and news clips for years. As a hang glider pilot myself I had...

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